Fabricación de maquinaria para las industrias extractivas y de la construcción

sin logotipo

Zaragoza - Zaragoza (Zaragoza - Aragón)


Fabricación de otra maquinaria para usos específicos

Productos y servicios

Fabricación y venta de herramientas portátiles de aíre comprimido, vibradores para hormigón y equipos de compactación.

Fabricación de maquinaria para las industrias extractivas y de la construcción

Fabricación de maquinaria para las industrias extractivas y de la construcción

Manufacture of machinery for mining, quarrying and construction

The company, headquartered in Zaragoza, Spain, is primarily engaged in the design and manufacture of light construction machinery. The company was founded in 1964 by the engineer Antonio Casals and a group of partners. The name Enarco comes from the Spanish terms for Energy from Compressed Air, and its logo represents the arms of a pneumatic engine. The company started out manufacturing high-quality pneumatic tools and developed new products with its own technology, focusing on the domestic market and the United Kingdom. In this way, it succeeded in establishing itself as a leading supplier of the domestic metallurgy industry, including among its customers such companies as Mercedes, Seat, Ford, Renault, Fagor, Teka, and Otsein. Including to pneumatic tools, the company also develops pneumatic, pendulum and motor-in-head vibration equipment, as well as vibrating screeds for paving concrete surfaces. Its new orientation was aimed at the market for vibration applied to construction technology and more specifically to the internal vibration of the concrete. The company has 7.000 sq.m of productive space in its plants in Zaragoza and La Muela, which produce some 50,000 articles. In addition to Spain, the company also operates in France, Mexico, Germany and Poland.
Datos de contacto
Dirección postal


CP: 29669 - ZARAGOZA (Zaragoza)

Tlf: +34 976464090
Fax: +34 976471470

Web: www.enar.es



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